

  What is the risk to your company if (and when) your mission-critical applications go down? Lost revenue, angry customers or, even worse, fines for non-compliance and a tarnished public image?

  Every company hopes its current data protection strategy is enough to keep these risks at bay, but each year the risks become a harsh reality for many firms, often in a very public way. This valuable Resource Guide includes insightful articles from Storage magazine on:

  • Disaster recovery plans that work
  • Backup strategies that offer the best data protection
  • Achieving the right level of disaster recovery without busting your budget
  • Applications that shift the focus of data protection from making copies to application availability Read this informative guide to gain a fresh perspective on data protection that emphasizes availability and business continuity, not simply backup.

未经允许不得转载:存储在线-存储专业媒体 » 灾难恢复、应用可用性以及业务连续性资源手册